
For pharmacies, hair salons and chemists

Join 2,000 selected pharmacies, hair salons and stores offering Halier to the customers around the world.

Your customers will enjoy fast and permanent results.

Your customers will enjoy fast and permanent results.

  • stronger and thicker hair
  • hair growth stimulation and hair loss prevention
  • safe and natural ingredients
  • Halier products have gained trust of customers in 35 countries around the world

Customers from around the world recognize the effectiveness of Halier products


More than 54 thousand people a month visit our website. They can run into your salon details and want to use your services.


We have nearly 145 thousand fans on our Facebook fanpage.

Customers from 35 countries use our products every day.

280 bloggers are working with us worldwide.

We would like to share Halier success with you

We have decided to offer pharmacies, hair salons and stores a possibility to be our partner. Be part of our success, order Halier products and start successful selling. We offer:

  • adding your salon's address to our website which is visited by thousands of people a month
  • attractive start package with your first order
  • free promo materials such as:
    • appointment cards
    • stickers
    • stands
    • flyers
    • gift bags
Halier is a synonym of trust and partnership without risk

Beautiful and healthy hair is our passion. Therefore we make our products from natural ingredients and we base their formulas on numerous lab tests. Men and women who use Halier products appreciate their high quality, safety and innovation. Our distribution partners can exploit great selling potential.

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